Mission Statement
The mission of the Chapel is to teach Jesus’ message by word and example to children of the school via the chapel service, the classroom and by other opportunities. The children will receive through worship and teaching a basic foundation in the joy and benefit of following Jesus.
Goals and Strategies
St. Luke’s Episcopal School’s Chapel Program has weekly chapel services that are Christian based and age appropriate. Morning Prayer is used which is a format that has evolved over 1,000 years and is modified to help the children’s understanding. Our service format is approved by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Children are taught by word and example using the Christian conduct in lessons that include: service, reverence, respect, interpersonal relationships, team play, and more. Our Chapel format includes a processional, school banner, processional cross, candle lighting/extinguishing, prayers, an interactive children participation service, The Lord’s Prayer, prayers for others, music, school creed and supplemental church seasonal lessons and activities. Our hope is to team with parents and teachers to amplify Christian training. Prayer requests are taken each day before Chapel. The children are involved in prayers during Chapel responding to those requests. The administration of the school and teachers work together to coordinate the spiritually related curriculum. The administration and staff are involved in actively teaching and training the children in the Chapel service. Using Godly Play and other approved teaching methodology, the teachers continue the message of the Chapel lesson in the classroom along with the Fundamentals of Christianity and Old and New Testament lessons.
Commitment from School Chapel Team to the Parents and the Children
• Respect and quality –teach it, live it
• Commitment in time, knowledge, integrity and love according to our provided talents.
• Teach, follow and live His Teachings
• Have a child level service based on 2,000 years of tradition
• Teach manners, respect, reverence and love of God, His church and traditions, parents, grandparents, school staff and all of His creations
• Endorse Jesus’ teaching that nothing is more important than properly raising children
• Practice the school motto, “Do all things with love”